Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ouchies and Bandaids

I see a lot of wounds and, by far, the majority are self-inflicted. Without a doubt we are our own worst enemy and the cause of most of our own troubles. Whipping up a case of disaster is easier than cereal for breakfast and takes about as long to make.

Most trouble begins innocently enough. You say, "Hold my drink and watch this." The next thing you know---you're in trouble. In the same vein, "But officer, you don't understand," seldom leads to a positive solution. Humans are natural born troublemakers.

Unfortunately, we've been conditioned to see everyone and everything except ourselves as the source our trouble. As children, our mothers warned us that our friends were trouble. The way friends were always jumping into lakes or off cliffs, who can blame parents for being concerned. A little later, the public school system taught us that poor teachers and overcrowded classrooms are the cause of illiteracy. We came up with no-fault divorce because was inconceivable that either partner did anything wrong. It worked so well we adopted no-fault collision insurance for our cars. Thank God I don't vote. I'd hate to share the responsibility for electing the idiots who run this country.

I hear people say, "You can't fix stupid." I've said it myself--more than once. I've since discovered stupid doesn't even know he needs fixing and he's apt to get testy if you mention it to him. None of us likes others pointing out our faults. But, here's the thing. We all need it. "Don't judge me," is a plea for self-delusion.

Life is a choice. So is the manner in which we live it. Choose to live with your eyes open. In doing so you will see your shortcomings and your failures. You will also see there is grace, forgiveness and hope for the future.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

That good, acceptable and perfect will of God is to love Him with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. In doing this we are shielded from the worst of the trouble we invite our way.

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